Wednesday, January 2, 2008


Today I was thinking about moving some of our entirely virtual blog out into the real world. I want to get stuff out into a physical form that someone can find somewhere, look at, and pass on. I want to devolve AKoKK into a paper form and then pull people back into our blog on the internet. My idea is to make a collection of writings and drawings folded from a single sheet of paper that gets passed from person to person. And we would make a bunch of cheap black and white copies to give away for free. If you don't know what I'm talking about, I mean a zine. I got the idea from a book I got for Christmas about what zines are and how to make them. Its the kind of thing that can be about whatever you want- it can be about all kinds of crazy crap.

Note: I wrote this really late at night and decided to post this now. I still like the idea, though. It took me a while to decide to spell that last part "crazy crap" or "krazy krap". I went with the more subtle and grammatically correct one.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like passing notes?

Kael said...

If by notes you mean a miniature book of art and writing, then yes.